Bridgerton Star Jonathan Bailey Raises £30,000 for LGBTQ+ Youth

Bridgerton Star Jonathan Bailey Raises £30,000 for LGBTQ+ Youth

As the newest season of the hit Netflix series “Bridgerton” hits screens across the country, heartthrob of last season, Jonathan Bailey, raised over £30,000 after running the Hackney Half Marathon. According to Pink News, over 20,000 runners participated in the half marathon which stepped off from the Hackney Marshes and passed through the Regent’s Canal and London Fields.

Bailey ran hoping to raise 25,000 for charity Just Like Us, which provides queer youth the tools to raise awareness for LGBTQ+ issues in schools, and helps prevent bullying through an ambassador program.

A day before the race Jonathan posted to his Instagram asking his followers and friends to sponsor him as he ran. “LGBT+ kids are twice as likely to be bullied, depressed, anxious and lonely on a daily basis,” Bailey wrote.  “Almost all of them have heard homophobic and transphobic slurs. I know – and maybe you do – how awful that can be.”

He went on to say: “Just Like Us are leading the fight to make them feel understood, accepted and celebrated. A fight we shouldn’t need to have. But until we win it, and for the sake of my knees, please throw your love their way, donate to them and sponsor me on my gallop!”

Bailey broke many a hetero heart and became an instant crush for plenty of members of the LGBTQ+ community when it was found that he identifies as gay after he shot to fame for his lead role in season two of “Bridgerton.” 

Throughout his career Bailey has used his platform to speak out against injustice and prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community. On his fundraising page with Just Like Us, Bailey wrote “I’ve met some of [the charity’s] young ambassadors who go into schools, talking about their personal journeys with coming out, allyship and helping stop bullying. They inspired me to become a patron of this wonderful charity.” 

Bailey will play the love interest in the highly anticipated Wicked film starring Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo, which is slated to come out in November of this year. He will also star in the new Jurassic World 4 film which is predicted to be released in 2025. Bailey continues to win A-list roles, representing and supporting the LGBTQ+ community all the while.

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