Religious leaders within the Catholic faith in Germany are planning to hold mass blessings of same-sex couples around the nation in protest of the Vatican’s recent anti-gay proclamation. In March, the Vatican’s office of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released a memo announcing that God “does not bless sin”, referring to same-sex marriage. Despite becoming known as the “progressive Pope”, it was later revealed that the memo was released with the blessing of Pope Francis.
Since then, many LGBTQ organizations and religious leaders have come out in protest against the Vatican’s message, and it has even led some to renounce their faith in the church.
Now, in the biggest act of defiance yet, numerous churches in Germany are planning a mass blessing of same-sex couples. The event is to take place on May 10th, and according to The Crux, the event will be called “Love Wins, Blessing Service for Lovers” (translated from German). Organizers for the event are also encouraging all allies of the LGBTQ community to partake by showing their support for equality by making colorful signs that show support for universal love.
The Vatican’s remarks have sparked widespread outrage, and even some religious publications, such as the National Catholic Reporter, have written articles in defense of the LGBTQ community’s right to marry. The Reporter‘s article stated, “when the Catholic Church makes homophobic statements, it can challenge people’s faith and legitimize prejudice, workplace discrimination and harassment of LGBTQ people, making their lives more difficult and even dangerous.”
For more info on the mass blessings, click here (Note: the website is in German)