NBC’s streaming service, Peacock, has premiered the documentary Right to Try, which centers around the fight to cure HIV. The movie, which was produced by Academy Award-winning actress, Octavia Spencer, follows longtime casting director, Jeffrey Drew, who shares his experiences taking part in experimental HIV treatments, all with the hopes of finding a cure for AIDS.
According to Variety, Octavia Spencer said of the film, “We are thrilled our film Right to Try will be seen on Peacock. Though Jeffrey Drew’s heroic journey is singular, his story is universal. This is an important film and with Peacock, we have a wonderful partner to bring it to our audience.”
In the documentary, Drew shares the trials and tribulations of his experimental treatments, including the odd side-effects he experiences, and even his moments of doubt and depression. But it also shows Drew’s moments of hope, promise, and his commitment to helping the cause, even if it kills him.
Right to Try premiered on Peacock on World AIDS Day (December 1st), and fortunately for viewers, it’s part of Peacock’s free programming, meaning anyone can watch it without spending a dime.
The movie also premiered at a time of promise for HIV research. The new mRNA technology used for the COVID vaccine has opened new doors for cancer and HIV treatment. According to NBC News, Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it’s possible that an HIV vaccine could be developed using the new mRNA technology.
Moderna even stated in August that it will begin a phase 1 trial of an mRNA HIV vaccine. The trials are expected to last until mid-2023 and the company hopes its mRNA vaccine can stimulate “B cells” which will be crucial for offering lasting protection against the elusive HIV virus which enters the human genome just 72 hours after infection. While it may not be a cure, a widespread vaccine could be our first step towards a world without HIV.
To watch ‘Right to Try’, click here.