New alarming information has been released by the Web Integrity Project revealing that the Trump administration is altering and deleting information about LGBTQ people. According to Fast Company, the organization discovered shocking and horrific slashes in the amount of information being released by the Trump administration in regards to LGBT people throughout numerous government agencies.
Examples included in the investigation is the switching of “LGBT” to “LGB” on the CDC website, The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity deleted information about rights for LGBT and HIV positive people, and there’s been a 40% decrease in the use of the word “transgender” on the website for The Department of Health and Human Services.

These are only a few examples from a large study. The report in its entirety is 90 pages and can be read here. Making this more alarming is that this is only one example in the vast sea of instances of this administration targeting minority groups. has an entire timeline of the administration’s attacks, spanning everything from the Muslim ban to the attacks on TPS.
To stand up for your rights, get involved with organizations like the ACLU or the Transgender Law Center.