The Stonewall National Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is believed to be the largest LGBTQ library in the world. The archive is made up of more than six million pages of LGBTQ history. If all the books were stacked up on top of each other, they would equal the height of two Empire State Buildings.
However, the Stonewall National Museum and Archives also understands the critical need to enter the digital age and create an online database that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere. Hence how the new In Plain Sight exhibit was born.
https://www.stonewallnma.orgThe digital exhibit can be accessed online or in-person at the museum using one of the archive’s giant touchscreen monitors. In Plain Sight consists of various timelines made up of over 800 entries, all chronicling important moments in LGBTQ history. From The Rocky Horror Picture Show to the first CDC articles describing a new “gay cancer”, In Plain Sight has created a virtual timeline of monumental moments throughout LGBTQ history.
The exhibit is broken up into sections, ranging from Business to Sports, Music, and more, all databased in chronological order, allowing visitors to choose a topic and not be overwhelmed by too much information at once.
Hunter O’Hanian, Executive Director of the Stonewall National Museum and Archives commented:
“For years, a static LGBTQ timeline showcased in a wall became one of the museum’s most popular areas. We wanted to expand its reach to online audiences at a time when visits to cultural institutions are restricted due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, while making it timelier and more inclusive regarding gender and race.”
According to a news release from the Stonewall National Museum and Archives: Visitors are encouraged to schedule an appointment or one-on-one tour by calling (954) 763-8565 Monday – Friday from 11am to 5pm or Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. The museum is following strict COVID-19 health guidelines.
To view In Plain Sight in person: Visit the Stonewall National Museum and Archive at 1300 East Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
To view the exhibit online, click here.