The amazing gay travel organization, Oscar Wilde Tours, is putting on a new and fascinating tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. “Unhung Heroes” will explore why so much artwork has men that are not the biggest down there.
The tour will explore why this is and ask various questions: Was it artistic licensing? Was it considered hot? Or, perhaps men back then were just not as large in the pants as they are today?
After the in-depth journey through the Met’s “Unhung Heroes,” the tour will then explore artwork in the other direction. Art that features larger-than-life phalluses and extravagantly crafted genitalia will be highlighted and examined. Small or large, the male body has long been prized and admired.

The tour will take place Friday, June 7, 2019 at 6:15 P.M., and is sure to be a night that will expose you to a whole new perspective. For tickets, check out their Eventbrite page.
If you can’t make the Unhung Heroes Tour, be sure to check our Oscar Wilde’s long-running Gay Secrets of the Metropolitan Museum tours, which are held regularly and are extremely popular.