U.S. Census Bureau Survey Shows Same-Sex Couples More Likely To Be interracial

U.S. Census Bureau Survey Shows Same-Sex Couples More Likely To Be interracial

The American Community Survey from 2022 indicated same-sex couples are more likely to be interracial than their opposite-sex counterparts. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the American Community Survey each year to measure economic, social, housing, and demographic data from the American public. 

The survey, which assesses both married and unmarried couples, found that approximately 31% of same-sex couples in the U.S. are interracial while just 19% of opposite-sex couples belong to different races. 

Though there could be many reasons for this phenomenon, it’s easy to see that those who have been marginalized for their race and those who have been marginalized for their sexual identity might have more in common than those who have never been outcast or ostracized for any aspect of their identity. It may be easier for a queer person to sympathize with a BIPOC person because of the oppression each group has faced, though the oppression looks vastly different for each group. 

According to PinkNews, the Census Bureau’s data showed that there were around 1.3 million same-sex couples in the country in 2022, with over half of those being married couples. The average age for these couples was around 48 years old, while the average age for opposite-sex couples was around 53. 


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